CH-5833 is provide the high-precision timestamps (1PPS) in Universal Coordinated Time scale of the standard: USA (UTC), Russia (UTC SU), GLONASS (UTC GLONASS), GPS (UTC GPS).
The equipment is the source of the time the 1st level.
Logical protocol - Motorola binary...
B105 antenna - GNSS professional level antenna for receiving navigation signals in the range L1 (GLONASS, GPS, GALILEO, SBAS) and is designed for use on mobile objects in harsh environments for industrial, agricultural and special applications.Antenna receives the signals with...
Navigation receiver - single board, full-featured, 48-channel navigation receiver for receiving signals:
GLONASS at L1 and L2 bands (СТ code);
GPS at L1 (С/А code) and L2 (С(L+M) code);
The receiver is designed to determine the current values of the coordinates (latitude,...
Satellite compass is designed for automatic continuous determination of:
the true azimuth
elevation angle
angle of roll
UTC time scale
on the signals of satellite navigation systems GLONASS / GPS.
CH-4724 allows you to orient objects on the geographic poles, as well as on elevation angle...
The company “NVS TS” specializes in the development of satellite navigation equipment and owns advanced technologies to create complex electronic systems. «NVS TS», offers a market of about 30 items of equipment for various applications in marine, aviation and land transport, telecommunications, geodesy.
The given work describes integrity conception for navigation as one of the main requirement for aviation. It consists review of all available data sources used in the multisystem navigation receiver for provide integrity requirements. Based on integrity requirements RAIM algorithm for produced navigation receivers was developed and realized. Practically implementation of RAIM was shown as a test results.
This report describes the main specifications and features of construction GNSS receivers to ensure the safety of life (Safety of Life) for use in applications that are critical to safety.
Receivers GNSS which are critical to security in general, are classified as «receivers to ensure the safety of life» (Safety of Life). The main characteristics of this type of receivers are reliability and ability to identify faults. Moreover, the receivers of this class are designed in such a way as to use all available information to detect possible errors and the subsequent prevention of end-users to take appropriate action.
Ukraine's policy on development and use of modern navigational aids aimed, among other things, the development of a differential service in the country. This policy is implemented in accordance with international requirements and trends, and involves the use of combined GLONASS / GPS.